Criminal defense lawyers stay busy in Florida. With debates over decriminalizing marijuana use raging ahead of a vote, it is imperative for many people to have quality criminal defense lawyers in an environment full of grey areas. Consider a recent article for the Tampa Bay Times titled “Tampa City Council to vote March 3 on decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana.”
Richard Danielson of the Tampa Bay Times writes, “A second chance, the Tampa City Council said Thursday. The council voted 6-0 to set a March 3 vote on an ordinance that would decriminalize possession of 20 grams — about three-quarters of an ounce — or less of marijuana. ‘Things are changing in this country, and our sense of what’s fair and unfair, what’s right and wrong, continues to evolve,’ said council member Harry Cohen, who asked for a discussion of the issue. Still, he said, ‘this is not legalization. It is simply a concession that what we are doing is too harsh, and its consequences are too severe, and people’s lives are being ruined in the present system.’ If approved, a proposed ordinance would establish civil fines for adults starting at $75 for possessing up to 20 grams of pot. The fine would rise to $150 for a second offense, $300 for a third offense and $450 for the fourth offense. The goal, officials say, is to deal with the offense in a way that doesn’t weigh offenders down with a criminal record for life. ‘We have incarcerated a significant portion of a generation, particularly of young black men, over low-level drug offenses,’ Mayor Bob Buckhorn said. ‘It really isn’t working. … If we can divert people as opposed to incarcerate them for minor offenses like smoking weed, I think we would be better served.’”
The Law Offices of Gilbert & Smallman handles criminal defense matters of all degrees, both state and federal. We are available 24/7 for a free consultation. If you or a loved one is in trouble with the law a good lawyer by your side is a must. Call us now to protect your rights and freedom. We have offices conveniently located in Miami, North Miami, Hollywood and Tallahassee.
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