Miami Legal Tips Blog

Medical Marijuana Bill Passes In Florida

The times they are a-changing, and that’s true now even in Florida.  After Colorado and Washington made history this year by legalizing marijuana for recreational sale and use, there have been murmurs throughout the remaining 48 states about the potential cost benefits of legalizing marijuana elsewhere in the nation.

On May 1st, Florida lawmakers approved the Restrictive Medical Marijuana Bill.  Specifically, the bill would allow eligible patients limited access to cannabinol (CBD) for the treatment of serious medical illnesses, including epileptic seizures.  CBD-based marijuana doesn’t cause that “high” feeling that recreational users seek, instead providing relief of a range of common symptoms of disease.

Unlike many experimental drugs that are fast tracked to the pharmaceutical market, CBD is even safe and effective for pediatric use.  While the medical benefits of medical marijuana use are now widely accepted, this bill could have a possible impact beyond just the doctor’s office, with the potential for tax revenue on the future manufacture and sales of cannabis.

Not only are there appealing medical economic aspects to allowing the sale of cannabis in other states, but the legalization of CBD brings hope for the eventual reversal of the ban on all marijuana use and possession, and thus lesser legal repercussions for those who get caught with the substance.  Such a legal overhaul would have ripples of both positive and negative effects nationwide, including in Florida.

If the rest of the U.S. were to follow the leads of Washington and Colorado by legalizing marijuana, then the legal and penal codes would in turn undergo a drastic shift.  Charges of possession, use, and sales of marijuana would be handled entirely differently nationwide, in most cases likely eliminated altogether.  While this might seem like a good thing in some ways, there are concerns that there may be an increase in marijuana-related accidents, including automobile crashes.

As for all of these speculations, only time will tell where this latest bill might lead.  For now, medical grade CBD is the only approved marijuana on the Florida market.  If you are currently facing criminal charges involving recreational marijuana use or possession, don’t wait for the laws to change – call the law offices of Gilbert & Smallman today.



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