Fort Lauderdale Car, Bicycle, and Motorcycle Statistics Give Us
Clear Direction
After a review of Broward County, Fort Lauderdale, and Hollywood car accident statistics provided by the DHSMV, and population figures for Broward County, Fort Lauderdale, and Hollywood, there are several helpful trends we can learn from.
Broward County represents about 10% of the total population of Florida and car accidents, injuries related to car accidents, and deaths due to car accidents are pretty close to 10% to the Florida total as well. This may have more to do with the percent of the population that is in cities or suburbs versus rural, but overall injuries are higher and death are lower. This is likely to do with the average speed of the crashes.
This is born out when you look at the Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood auto accident injury and fatality statistics. Fort Lauderdale has about 1% of the states population and Hollywood comes in at about .9%. In both cases the deaths from car accidents are well below the state average, but the total accidents and injuries are higher.
Use of Seat belts, Child Restraints, and Helmets for Bikes and Motorcycles Makes Huge Difference in Fatality Statistics in Broward County, Fort Lauderdale, and Hollywood
Bicycle Helmet Use. Out of 910 bicycle accident with serious or incapacitating injuries in Florida, 734 were not using a helmet. There were 121 bicycle accidents that resulted in Fatalities, 91 of those weren’t wearing a helmet. It is patently obvious from these statistics that the failure to wear a helmet while cycling dramatically increases the chance of sustaining serious injury and death.
Motorcycle Helmet Use. Out of 2229 accidents in Florida involving a motorcycle where serious or incapacitation injuries occurred, half were not wearing a helmet. In 425 fatal motorcycle accidents, more than half or 229 were not wearing any helmet (209) or if wearing a helmet, it was not a DOT approved helmet (10).
Child Restraints Use.
Booster Seat – Out of 898 accidents where a child was using a booster seat there were only 20 that sustained serious injuries and only 1 death.
Child Restraint – Forward Facing – 7275 accidents, 82 serious injuries and 4 fatalities
Child Restraint – Rear Facing – 1637 accidents, 18 serious injuries and 0 deaths
All types of Passenger Restraints –
Shoulder and lap belt employed – 81,137 accidents only 2126 with serious injuries and 121 fatalities
No lap belt, shoulder belt or child restraint. 5779 accidents with 550 serious injuries and 125 deaths. Here again there is enormous differences regarding the potential for serious injury or loss of life when you choose to use legally required restraints. You have a 10% likelihood of serious injury without restraints vs a 2.5% with restraints. You have a 2% chance of death while wearing a restraint, but only a .15% chance when using proper equipment.
Of course, these statistics don’t take into consideration that the very same person who might be more likely to get involved in an accident may also be an individual more likely to be drinking and or reckless in general.
What might we derive from all of this:
1. Wear helmets and legal automobile restraints when driving or as a passenger.
2. Don’t drink and drive or drive with someone who has been drinking
3. There are still many folks being hurt or killed each year in car accidents here in Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, and all of Broward County.
If you or someone in your family is injured in a car accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident, bicycle accident, or pedestrian accident here in Broward County, please call the Law Offices of Gilbert and Smallman BEFORE you call any insurance company or make any statement to anybody.
The insurance company is not your friend, even if you speak to your own auto insurance company. The claims adjuster’s job is to pay AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE to any claimant. We can help you get the justice you deserve for any personal injury claim.
We are available to speak with you RIGHT NOW or anytime 24/7. Call one of the Senior Partners Direct on their personal cell phone
Andrew Smallman 954-661-7371
Harris Gilbert 786-371-4431
Miami Car Accident Attorneys and Personal Injury Lawyers Serving Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Miami, and all of Broward and Miami Dade Counties
Broward Office
4601 Sheridan St. #220
Hollywood, FL 33021
Office: (954) 251-3106
Cell: (954) 661-7371
Fax: (954) 404-6003
Miami Office
The White Building
One Northeast Second Ave,
Suite 200
Miami, FL 33132
Office: (786) 863-8568
Cell: (786) 371-4431
Tallahassee Office
909 East Park Avenue
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 391-7045
Fax: (850) 391-6152