Miami Legal Tips Blog

“Accident” Does Not Mean Faultless

Accidents happen. Not only is this statement true, it is almost redundant.  An accident is defined as an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.  From the Latin verb accidere, the word literally means “to happen.” Though accidents are unintentional and unexpected, they do happen, and they do cause serious damages.

Accidents come in all shapes and sizes, and many of these daily happenings are hardly worth pausing to notice, like bumping shoulders with a stranger in a crowded supermarket.  Knocking over a drinking glass happens all too often, and we all know what they say about crying over spilled milk.  These types of minor accidents are rarely a cause for alarm.

Unfortunately, more serious accidents do have consequences – property damage and personal injury, to name a few.  If you are struggling in the aftermath of an accident, it might be time to seek retribution from the responsible party.

If you slip and fall, who should have cleaned up that mess, or fixed that step?  If you are administered expensive, incorrect treatment while in the in the hospital’s care, who made that wrong diagnosis?  If you are bitten by a neighbor’s dog, who should have been holding that leash?

accidentJust because an accident was not deliberate does not mean it shouldn’t have been prevented.  Take an automobile crash for instance: in the event of a collision, both parties end up feeling pretty badly, but if you are injured or your property is damaged at no fault of your own, you are the victim in the situation.  Why did that car drift into your lane? Was the other driver distracted? Texting? Tipsy?  That other driver didn’t mean to hurt you, but they did, and you shouldn’t be left with the bill.

While the cost of damages and medical bills can be devastating, legal compensation is about more than just dollars and cents.  When you are the victim of another person’s carelessness, it can cause immeasurable pain and suffering.  You are entitled compensation for this any such trauma,

Accidents may be unintentional, but nowhere in the definition of the word does it say that no one is to be held accountable.  If you need representation, the attorneys at the Law Offices of Gilbert & Smallman will go to bat for you, and our winning results are no accident.



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