Young drivers are notorious for mishaps, or at least being in the vicinity when they happen. In some cases, this can be more dangerous than others. Sometimes, it can even be fatal. Consider a recent article for the Miami Herald titled “1 man killed in crash involving high school students.”
Debora Lima and Carli Teproff of the Miami Herald write, “A man in his 80s was killed and more than 10 students from a Little Havana charter high school were injured — two of them critically — when a van and car collided Wednesday afternoon, Fire Rescue officials say. The impact of the crash sent debris flying, damaged nearby parked cars and toppled the Mazda minivan carrying eight students. Some students on the sidewalk near the school suffered minor scrapes and bruises from glass shards and twisted metal, said Miami Fire Rescue Capt. Ignatius Carroll. In total, 14 people were treated. Eight were taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital, including the man and his wife, and six Green Springs High School students, Carroll said. ‘It’s a major tragedy,’ Miami Police Lt. Freddie Cruz said in front of the charter high school at 3555 NW Seventh St. The crash happened just after noon in the intersection of Northwest Seventh Street and 35th Avenue, just after the students were released from the morning session. The school has two separate schedules: 7 a.m. to noon, and 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Cruz said the students were heading east on Seventh Street to a nearby Pollo Tropical for lunch. Eight students piled in a silver Mazda MPV van, police said. The van was being driven by an 18-year-old Green Springs student, according to a letter that Enrique Palma, the school’s principal, sent to students and parents. A black Nissan Sentra was trying to make a left on 35th Avenue when the vehicles collided, Cruz said. The van flipped and several other cars in the area were hit and damaged.”
The Law Offices of Gilbert & Smallman handles car accident cases of all types. If you or someone you care about was injured due to another drivers negligence, contact us today. Free consultations available 24/7 by phone! Our offices conveniently are located in Miami, North Miami, Hollywood and Tallahassee. At Gilbert & Smallman we pride ourselves on service to our clients. Contact us today for your free one on one consult with one of our experienced injury and car accident law partners.