Miami Legal Tips Blog

Study Show You Gain From Hiring an Attorney

No Surprise!  Insurance Company Claims Adjustors Aren’t Your Friend.

Attorneys focusing on personal injury law help their clients recover substantially more net cash to cover their medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering than those who attempt to negotiate with insurance companies on their own according to studies.

The young insurance claims adjuster who spoke to you on the phone seemed nice enough.  He was kind, even sympathetic, and quick to assure you that all of your losses would be covered.  After the call you thought to yourself, “that wasn’t hard.  He is going to get me what I deserve.”

But according to Miami Personal Injury attorney, Harris Gilbert, the insurance company and their adjusters are not your friend.  “Adjusters are trained to be caring and encouraging,” says Gilbert, “but in our experience they have only the insurance company’s bottom line profit in mind.  Their goal is to keep your from getting paid anything at all or at least to keep any payment as low as possible.”

Studies back up Gilbert’s claim.  Independent studies and the insurance industry’s own studies show that people get more money in their pockets if they hire an attorney.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 did a report entitled “Insurance Companies Fight Paying Billions in Claims.”  On this show, they investigated how insurance companies work hard to keep accident victims like you from collecting billions of dollars.  You can see the report here.

In this investigation, CNN looked at the case of Roxanne Martinez. When her car was hit in she had medical bills and lost wages of $25,000.  The insurance company offered her only $15,000 to settle. Roxanne decided to hire a personal injury attorney. They took Allstate to court and  a jury awarded Roxanne $167,000, which it felt she was entitled to receive.

Harris Gilbert says that the CNN study is confirmed every day at the Law Offices of Gilbert and Smallman in Miami.  “We aren’t at all surprised by the behavior of the insurance companies.  They are in business to make a profit.  If their adjusters are truly the accident victim’s friend, and pay them the maximum possible, they will be fired.  It only makes sense.

“However, a personal injury lawyer who is working with these types of cases every day knows just how to negotiate with the insurance company.  They know how much your kind of case is worth. And the insurance adjuster also knows that the attorney is going to take them to court if necessary.”

Gilbert also points out that his law firm, like most, offers a free consultation to the accident victim to discuss options.  “In almost every single case, the client never pays anything out of pocket for us to represent them.  We only get paid when they get paid.  And, of course, we take care of all the tiny details that might get missed.”

Gilbert concludes:  “It only makes sense to speak with our law firm or someone like us before talking to the claims adjuster.  Our goal is to help you receive justice with the maximize possible final check. The insurance company has the opposite goal.”

Harris Gilbert can be reached 24/7 for help with your auto accident or other personal injury claim by calling 786-371-4431.  You can visit the firm’s website at


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